Mute - Vol.2 #16: Real Life Training
In this issue writers take a look at the systemic requirement to appear, to have an identity, to become intelligible – as an individual, a face, a body, a..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute / ISBN 978-1-906496-49-4
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Magazines, Media Theory.

Mute - Vol.2 #12: The Creative City In Ruins
Post-Fordist State planners, developers, and their entrepreneurial service arm have debased the meaning of ‘creativity’ to a shallow pretext for the further..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute / ISBN 978-1-906496-34-0
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Architecture, Culture Theory, Magazines, Sociology.

Mute - Vol.2 #13
In this issue of Mute there is a generalised refusal to have our selves, in the widest sense of the word, put to work. As we start to see the real repercussions..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute / ISBN 978-1-906496-41-8
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Magazines, Sociology.

Mute - Vol.2 #14: Disorder/Colony/Colllapse
Whether seen as the ultimate capitalists, Buddhists or communards, bees elicit fantasies and fears of social productivity and crisis by turns. This issue is not..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Magazines, Media Theory.

Mute - Vol 2 #10: We Don’t Need another Hero…
The state is pouring billions into propping up the collapsing financial sector, but who is going to take care of the rest of us? Between Hollywood’s embattled..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute / ISBN 9781906496210
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Culture Theory, Magazines, Politics, Sociology.

Mute - Vol. 2 #9
Vol2 #9 takes on the UK’s services-for-surveillance State, technological utopias, green capitalism and much more!Borders 2.0: Future, Tense – Bryan Fino..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute / 2.9
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Culture Theory, Magazines, Politics, Sociology.

Mute - Vol. 2 #2: Dis-Integrating Multiculturalism
Since the advent of multiculturalism in the 1970s, the redefinition of race in cultural terms has gone hand in hand with an official discourse of respect for cu..(read more)
Label: Metamute
Artist: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Uncategorized.
Tag: Magazines.

Mute - Vol. 2 #1: Underneath the Knowledge Commons
A struggle is ensuing to produce and protect what is being called the Knowledge Commons in defiance of the latter day regime of enclosures around knowledge and ..(read more)
Label: Metamute / ISBN 0955066417
Artist: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Uncategorized.
Tag: Magazines.

Mute - Vol. 2 #6: Living in a Bubble
If the government is to be believed, we are undergoing a streak of freakily bad luck. First the credit crunch, then astronomical fuel price hikes and now a glob..(read more)
Label: Metamute / ISBN 978-0-9554796-9-4
Artist: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Uncategorized.
Tag: Magazines.