Caroline Claus - Studio _L28: Sonic Perspectives On Urbanism
Though sound is a central feature within urban life, it still receives little to no attention within processes of urban planning. The main difficulty in integra..(read more)
Publisher: Q-02 / ISBN: 9789082649536
Author: Caroline Claus
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Architecture, Sonic Experiments, Sonology, Urban Interventions.

Brandon LaBelle - Overheard And Interrupted
LaBelle’s reference monograph guides us through a number of his works from 2003 to 2014, raising questions of space and community, and further, to the dir..(read more)
Publisher: les presses du réel / 978-2-84066-820-6
Author: Brandon LaBelle
Medium: Book + CD
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Architecture, Sonic Experiments, Sonology.

Curtis Roads - Microsound
A thorough survey of software and techniques for granular synthesis, discusses related musical practices and aesthetic implications that arise.
Publisher: MIT Press / ISBN: 9780262681544
Author: Curtis Roads
Medium: Book
Categories: Books & Magazines, Second Hand.
Tags: Audio Programming, Computer Music, Sonology.

Dick Raaijmakers - Cahier “M”
SORRY – no longer available in english language. The dutch-language version is still available from the publisher here.
Publisher: Leuven University Press / ISBN: 9789058670762
Author: Dick Raaijmakers
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Music Theory, Sonology, Sound Studies.

Tacet - #04 – Sounds of Utopia
Tacet (subtitled Sound in the Arts) is a bilingual and annual publication documenting and researching sound arts and experimental music. A critical compendium (..(read more)
Publisher: Les presses du réel / ISBN : 978-2-84066-777-3
Author: Tacet
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Theory, Science Fiction, Sonology, Sound Art.

Thomas Patteson - Instruments For New Music
Centered in Germany during the 1920s/1930s, the movement to create new instruments was full of experiments, from the exploration of microtonal tunings and exoti..(read more)
Publisher: University of California Press / ISBN: 9780520288027
Author: Thomas Patteson
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: History, Instrument Builders, Mechanical Music, Music Theory, Sonology.

Karmen Franinovic and Stefania Serafin - Sonic Interaction Design
Sonic Interaction Design gathers contributions from scholars, artists, and designers working at the intersections of fields ranging from electronic music to cog..(read more)
Publisher: MIT Press / ISBN: 9780262018685
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Design, Interactive Technology, Music Theory, Sonology.

Frans Evers - The Academy of the Senses
A book wanting to be three books at once: a study of the scientific approaches to synesthesia, related to the psycho-physical research conducted by Evers during..(read more)
Publisher: ArtScience Interfaculty Press / ISBN: 9789461908193
Author: Frans Evers
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Sonology, Sound Art.

R. Murray Schafer - The Soundscape – Our Sonic Environment And The Tuning Of The World
Raymond Murray Schafer coined the term soundscape, meaning our sonic environment, the ever-present array of noises with which we all live.
Publisher: Destiny Books / ISBN: 978-0892814558
Author: R. Murray Schafer
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '70s, Environment, Sonology, Sound Studies, Soundscapes.