Salvo - # 1 Van deze Foto ga je Dood
February 2013. The very first issue of a custom-made (printed in 400 copies) periodical for photography, with colour illustrations and written contributions (bo..(read more)
Publisher: Salvo / ISBN 978-90-820291-0-9
Author: Salvo
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Photography.

Robin Waart - Would You…
Would you… : a set of 16 postcards of movie stills inviting you to go out.Technique/medium: 16 postcards, 14.8 × 10.5 cm/5.8 × 4.1 inches each. Individu..(read more)
Publisher: Own
Author: Robin Waart
Medium: Postcard Set
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Artist Book, Cinema, Design, Photography.

Michael Snow - Solo Snow
A survey of Canadian multidisciplinary artist's work (photographs, films, video installations, sound works), from 1960 to the present day, with four essays..(read more)
Publisher: Les presses du réel / ISBN 978-2-917696-05-7
Author: Michael Snow
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Cinema, Photography, Video Art.

Mister Motley - # 33
In Dutch only. The End-of-Year issue zooms in on our parents. How do artists relate to their father and mother ? From retrospective deliberation (on divorce, de..(read more)
Publisher: Virtumedia / 33
Author: Mister Motley
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Literature, Magazines, Photography.

GPO Crew - Apothikes
αποθηκεςThis A5 size book was made by Vasilis Palms and it's a wonderful collection of photographs of illegal billb..(read more)
Publisher: GPO Crew
Author: GPO Crew
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Graffiti, Photography.

GPO Crew - Balance / Totoy
The concept behind this nice little booklet is strong, and so is its sublimation. A mixed method of performance/dance, photography and graphic illustration, and..(read more)
Publisher: GPO Crew
Author: GPO Crew
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Dance, Graphic Art, Photography.

O.K. Periodicals - # 7
THRILLER issue. Scary movies, Michael Jackson, daredevils and monsters spring to mind when considering the theme of this issue. And rightly so. The centerfold c..(read more)
Publisher: O.K. Parking / 1876-2395
Author: O.K. Periodicals
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Illustration, Magazines, Photography.

Amber Gayle & Stacy Wakefield - My Evil Twin Sister No. 4
Notta Lotta Love Stories. The twins share their experiences of dealings with the opposite sex. Storybook with dreamy photographs.
Publisher: Evil Twin Publications / 4
Author: Amber Gayle & Stacy Wakefield
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Photography, Poetry.

Echo Park Film Center - Cinema Audiences 2008-2011
Edited by Lisa Marr. Micro cinema and alternative filmmaking (i.e. with no budget). The Echo Park Film Center in urban Los Angeles hosts events and sponsors the..(read more)
Publisher: Echo Park Film Center
Author: Echo Park Film Center
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Cinema, Photography.