Doug Skinner - Music from Elsewhere
Haunting tunes from mythical beings, hidden worlds.. Tunes hummed, strummed, and sung by spirits and fairies., occults.. A cacophonous cabinet of curiosities!
Publisher: Strange Attractor Press / ISBN: 9781913689216
Author: Doug Skinner
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Mysticism, Mythology, Occultism, Sound Studies, Spiritualism.
Price: €26.00

Nisha Ramayya - States of the Body Produced by Love
Weaves essays, poetry and images together into fierce meditations on diasporic identity. From grief to bliss, it explores how the body seized by love
Publisher: Ignota / ISBN: 9781999675943
Author: Nisha Ramayya
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Concrete Poetry, Erotica, Mysticism.
Price: €15.00