Gonzo (Circus) - # 177 (Sept / Oct 2023)
Publisher: Gonzo (Circus) / 177 (sept/oct 2023)
Author: Gonzo (Circus)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Magazine.

Positionen - Texte zur Aktuellen Musik - Nr. 136 (August 2023)
In German. “Unbelievably Independent”. Concerning the precarity of music journalism and culture journalism in general in present times.
Publisher: Positionen / Nr. 136 (August 2023)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Criticism, Culture Theory, Magazines, Music Magazine.

Gonzo (Circus) - # 176 (July-August 2023)
Publisher: Gonzo (Circus) / 176 (july / aug 2023)
Author: Gonzo (Circus)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Magazine.

Positionen - Texte zur Aktuellen Musik - Nr. 135 (May 2023)
Hat die wissenschaftliche Forschung die Geburt der Klangkunst verursacht? Und wird die Klangkunst zu Ende kommen? Oder ist es schon so weit..
Publisher: Positionen / Nr. 135 (May 2023)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Magazines, Music Magazine, Sound Art.

The Wire - # 471
Dave Lombardo, Laura Ortman, punk in 1990s San Diego, Paul Dunmall, Luciano Maggiore, PoiL Ueda, Epiphanies: Woodcraft Folk’s anti- apartheid protest songs
Publisher: The Wire / 471 - Lombardo
Author: The Wire
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Magazine.

The Wire - # 470
With the lovely Tapper on top. Turntablists: Maria Chávez, Mariam Rezaei and Victoria Shen! Mihály Víg: Hungarian composer, Zoë Mc Pherson, Francisco Mela
Publisher: The Wire / 470 - april 2023
Author: The Wire
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Magazine.

Sound American - Issue 29: The Roscoe Mitchell Issue
Celebrates Art Ensemble of Chicago founder Roscoe Mitchell. An appreciation of Mitchell’s career as an improvisor, instrumentalist, composer, painter, and..(read more)
Publisher: Sound American / 29: Roscoe Mitchell
Author: Sound American
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Music Magazine, USA.

The Wire - # 469
New cover design! The Necks, Marc Hollander/Crammed Discs, Širom, Avalanche Kaito, Mark Wastell, 577 Records…
Publisher: The Wire / 469 - Necks
Author: The Wire
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Magazine.

Gonzo (Circus) - # 173 (jan/feb 2023)
Publisher: Gonzo (Circus) / 173 (jan/feb 2023)
Author: Gonzo (Circus)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Compilation, Magazines, Music Magazine.