Blodfet & DJ Lonely - From Tuscany to Provence
Nutty Dreads electro pop from the amazing Swedish Jonas Ohlsson who comes with his alter ego DJ Lonely.
Label: Börft / 108-2012
Artist: Blodfet & DJ Lonely
Medium: 10"
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Dub, Eccentrics, Electro-Pop.

Hallo Werner Clan - We-rner
Eccentric hiphop duo from Hamburg, featuring Benni Bo and Miss Hawaii (the Tokyo-to-Hamburg expat). ‘Wie-auch-immer-Hip-Hop’, a breath of fresh air;..(read more)
Label: De La Roll
Artist: Hallo Werner Clan
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Eccentrics, Germany, Rap, Vinyl.

KLaus Beyer - Das Weisse Album
German versions of the “White Album” songs from The Beatles from eccentrics Beatles fan Klaus Beyer with ten extra (bonus) tracks.
Come in JewelCase..(read more)
Label: Amsel Records
Artist: KLaus Beyer
Medium: 2CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Eccentrics, Outsider Art, Pop.

Klaus Beyer - Im Fernsehen
At last: The Klaus Beyers TV-VHS released on DVD with extra’s. With the appearance at the talkshow of Götz Alsmann, Beyer gets an introduction by Thursto..(read more)
Label: Amsel films / no rap 3018
Artist: Klaus Beyer
Medium: DVD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Eccentrics, Outsider Art, Pop.

Greg And Ted - Love Wind And Failure
Label: Feeding Tube Records / FTR028
Artist: Greg And Ted
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Eccentrics, Free-folk, Vinyl.

Howard Eynon - So What If Im Standing In Apricot Jam
One and only album by a virtually unknown Australian singer, a bizarre and wonderful acid folk treasure from 1974.
Label: Earth Records / 002
Artist: Howard Eynon
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Eccentrics, Folk, Psychedelic.

Klaus Beyer - Rätselhaft Magische Tour
This is Beyers take on The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour. With titles like: “Der Narr auf den Höhen”, “Erdbeerfeld für Immer” an..(read more)
Label: Amsel Records / NO RAP 3011
Artist: Klaus Beyer
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Eccentrics, Outsider Art, Pop.