Positionen - Texte zur aktuellen Musik - Nr. 139
In German. Great periodical for those interested in contemporary composed music and sound art. Important feature: inclusive composing.
Publisher: Positionen / 139 (May 2024)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Germany, Magazines, Music Magazine, Sound Art.

Maya Verlaak & Ensemble Klang - Vanishing Point
Three works for the musicians of Ensemble Klang by Maya Verlaak (Belgium, 1990). Interactive scores, musical puzzles, lead to unique sonic encounters for perfor..(read more)
Label: Ensemble Klang Records / #19
Artist: Maya Verlaak & Ensemble Klang
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary.

Positionen - Texte zur Aktuellen Musik - Nr. 138
Best magazine I know on contemporary music! In German so I hope you can read it, too! Glitter on the cover adds to the charm this time.
Label: Positionen / Nr. 138 Charmeoffensive
Medium: Magazine
Category: Uncategorized.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Magazines, Music Magazine, Music Theory.

Leonardo Barbadoro - Musica Automata (LP version)
The ensemble of musical robots at the Logos foundation in Ghent inspired Leonardo Barbadoro from Firenze, Italy, to compose for it.
Label: Helical / Logos / 2022
Artist: Leonardo Barbadoro
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Mechanical Music, Robots, Sound Art, Vinyl.

Positionen - Texte zur Aktuellen Musik - Nr. 137
In German. Ben Lunn: Musik von Allen für Alle / Sandris Murins: Interviews mit Komponist*innen mit Behinderung; Hanna Grześkiewicz & Julian Rieken
Publisher: Positionen / Nr. 137 was kann Musik (sein)?
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Contemporary, Disability, Magazines, Music Magazine, Music Theory.

Glissando - #43: Diversity. Curating
Made in Poland but with a global scope, magazine on contemporary music and sound studies. People from all around the globe reflect on curating and diversity.
Publisher: Glissando / 23 / 2023
Author: Glissando
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Contemporary, Magazines, Music Magazine, Sound Studies.

Leonardo Barbadoro - Musica Automata (CD version)
The ensemble of musical robots at the Logos foundation in Ghent inspired Leonardo Barbadoro from Firenze, Italy, to compose for it.
Label: Helical / Logos / HLC001
Artist: Leonardo Barbadoro
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Mechanical Music, Robots, Sound Art.

Positionen - Texte zur Aktuellen Musik - Nr. 136 (August 2023)
In German. “Unbelievably Independent”. Concerning the precarity of music journalism and culture journalism in general in present times.
Publisher: Positionen / Nr. 136 (August 2023)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Criticism, Culture Theory, Magazines, Music Magazine.

Positionen - Texte zur Aktuellen Musik - Nr. 135 (May 2023)
Hat die wissenschaftliche Forschung die Geburt der Klangkunst verursacht? Und wird die Klangkunst zu Ende kommen? Oder ist es schon so weit..
Publisher: Positionen / Nr. 135 (May 2023)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Magazines, Music Magazine, Sound Art.