Marieke van de Ven - ZAND
Research project into sand as material, as concept and as sound. The compositions go from subtle grain structures to colossal layers of sound and back again.
Label: Own / yum
Artist: Marieke van de Ven
Medium: Printed matter + Download
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Conceptual Art, Sound Art.

Toine Horvers - moving – writing
English version. Essentially a meta-project, these meticulous but short descriptions of 120 performances that Horvers did from 1979 up till now! Because, I thin..(read more)
Publisher: Stichting Suburban / ISBN: 9789083003849
Author: Toine Horvers
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Conceptual Art, Language, Literature, Performance Art.

Various Artists - MOCA / FM
Audio art pieces by 26 performance artists 1960s/1970s broadcast on KPFA-FM radio, Berkeley in 1971. presented by the Museum of Conceptual Art (MOCA), San Franc..(read more)
Label: Slowscan / Slowscan Vol. 27
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: '60s, '70s, Conceptual Art, Radio Art, USA, Vinyl.

Toine Horvers - bewegen – schrijven
Dutch version. Essentially a meta-project, these meticulous but short descriptions of 120 performances that Horvers did from 1979 up till now! Because, I think,..(read more)
Publisher: Stichting Suburban
Author: Toine Horvers
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Conceptual Art, Language, Literature, Performance Art.

Toine Horvers - Liggen
In Dutch. Liggen means: Lying. Toine Horvers is a Rotterdam-based artist using spoken and written language as material in performances, drawings and books. Ever..(read more)
Publisher: Own / ISBN: 9789083003801
Author: Toine Horvers
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Conceptual Art, Language, Literature.

Toine Horvers - Lying
Toine Horvers is a Rotterdam-based artist using spoken and written language as material in performances, drawings and books.
“Every now and then, I briefl..(read more)
Publisher: Own / ISBN: 9789083003818
Author: Toine Horvers
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Conceptual Art, Language, Literature.

Neke Carson - Art Therapy for Conceptual Artists
A reprint of the facile how-to manual for conceptual artists by Neke Carson, originally published in 1972, this paperback version includes all the original phot..(read more)
Publisher: Rollo Press
Author: Neke Carson
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '70s, Conceptual Art, Manual, USA.

Toine Horvers - Chartres, one Hour of Sound in a Gothic Cathedral
English edition. Besides being the house of God, a cathedral also functions as a resonance box. Language inspired artist Toine Horvers approaches sound as an au..(read more)
Publisher: Onomatopee / ISBN: 978-94-91677-08-3
Author: Toine Horvers
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Conceptual Art, Language, Sound Art.

Toine Horvers - Chartres, een Uur Geluid in een Gotische Kathedraal
Dutch edition. Besides being the house of God, a cathedral also functions as a resonance box. Language inspired artist Toine Horvers approaches sound as an auto..(read more)
Publisher: Onomatopee / ISBN: 978-94-91677-08-3
Author: Toine Horvers
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Conceptual Art, Language, Sound Art.