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Pierre Schaeffer - Traktaat van de Muzikale Objecten (translated by Konrad Boehmer)

In Dutch. The classic work by musique concrète pioneer Pierre Schaeffer (‘Traité des Objets Musicaux’, written in 1966) is now finally translated for the Low Lands. Boehmer has slightly cut down the original text, as many things written at the time are now no longer relevant due to scientific & technological developments. But it is still one of the most important musical-theoretical works of the 20th century, laying the foundations for a totally new way of listening and thinking about sound. Where other theoreticians invented more and more complex systems using a maze of mathematical formulae, Schaeffer went to the roots of the then new ‘electric’ music, taking the experience itself as reference point, not the composition methods.

With introduction by Boehmer (who in his last days was director of the Sonology Institute of The Hague – he died in 2014).

Hardback, 402 pages. Published in 2006.

Publisher: Tandem Felix / ISBN 90 5750 089 2
Medium: Book


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