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Pierre Redon - Solo

L’O.E. is a multi-disciplinary collective in Limoges, France. Their musical output focuses on sonic research, installations & conceptual projects. Pierre Redon  played on mandolin & guitar using some electronics. Repetitive, bright sounds, rich in polyphonic strings sounds. To quote Pierre Redon: Guitar pieces 2 and 3 as well as number 5 for the mandolin, were recorded at home in Vassivière in Spring of 2001, on the 5, 6, 7 and 8 May. They all were composed and played using my personal stereo system without over-recording.
Pieces 1 and 4 are improvisations on the mandolin originally recorded in a small room in Limoges at the end of winter, probably between March and May.

Label: L'Oreille Electronique / OE 003
Medium: CD
Category: .


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