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Svanibor Pettan and Jeff Todd Titon (Eds.) - De-Colonization, Heritage, and Advocacy

An Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, Volume 2.

The nine ethnomusicologists who contributed to this volume present a diverse range of views, approaches, and methodologies that address indigenous peoples, immigrants, and marginalized communities. Discussing participatory action research, social justice, empowerment, and critical race theory in relation to ethnomusicology, this book is the second of three paperback volumes derived from the original Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology. The Handbook can be understood as an applied ethnomusicology project: as a medium of getting to know the thoughts and experiences of global ethnomusicologists, of enriching general knowledge and understanding about ethnomusicologies and applied ethnomusicologies in various parts of the world, and of inspiring readers to put the accumulated knowledge, understanding, and skills into good use for the betterment of our world.

Paperback, published in 2019, 352 pages.

Table of Contents

Part I: An Introduction to Applied Ethnomusicology
Section 1: Applied Ethnomusicology: A Descriptive and Historical Account, by Jeff Todd Titon
Section 2: Applied Ethnomusicology in the Global Arena, by Svanibor Pettan
Section 3: An Introduction to the Chapters, by Jeff Todd Titon and Svanibor Pettan

Part II: Advocacy
Chapter 1: Advocacy and the Ethnomusicologist: Assessing Capacity, Developing Initiative, Setting Limits, and Making Sustainable Contributions, by Jeffrey A. Summit
Chapter 2: Applied Ethnomusicology as an Intercultural Tool: Some Experiences from the Last 25 Years of Minority Research in Austria, by Ursula Hemetek
Chapter 3: Being Applied in the Ethnomusicology of Autism, by Michael Bakan
Chapter 4: Motivations and Methods for Encouraging Artists in Longer Tradtions, by Brian Schrag
Chapter 5: Activist Ethnomusicology and Marginalized Music of South Asia, by Zoe C. Sherinian

Part III: Indigenous Peoples
Chapter 6: Decolonization and Applied Ethnomusicology: “Story-ing” the Personal-Political-Possible in Our Work, by Elizabeth Mackinlay
Chapter 7: Andes to Amazon on the River Q’eros: Indigenous Voice in Grassroots Tourism, Safeguarding, and Ownership Projects of the Q’eros and Wachiperi Peoples, by Holly Wissler


Svanibor Pettan is Professor and Chair of the Program in Ethnomusicology, University of Ljubljana. Jeff Titon is Emeritus Professor of Music, Brown University, USA.

Publisher: Oxford University Press / ISBN: 9780190885731
Medium: Book


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