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New Waver - Neuters

New Waver is an Australian satirical musical project. the brainchild of Greg Wadley. New Waver grew out of one of Wadley’s prior projects, a zine named Loser, and shares the same pessimistic outlook, underwritten with Darwinism. New Waver’s music consists of electronic elements (from synthesizers, samplers and drum machines), along with samples from TV nature programmes, advertisements, interviews with suicidal patients and audio books by the likes of Richard Dawkins, selectively chosen to reinforce the bleak, fatalistic message, coupled with dark humour. The New Waver world view extends the survival of the fittest theory to the social ladder present in modern urban/suburban culture. New Waver’s songs feature both covers/parodies of well-known songs with lyrics altered to reflect New Waver’s world view, as well as instrumentals populated with samples and loops.

Label: Spill
Artist: New Waver
Medium: CD
Category: .


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