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Neural - #74 – 30th Anniversary Issue

Celebrating 30 Years of Neural! Amazing how they have been reviewing and researching net art, cyberpunk, hacktivism and electronic culture this long and completely independent. Congratulations.  NOTE: the limited number of magazines with flexi-disc is sold out, sorry…

Interviews with Olga Goriunova, Siegfried Zielinski, Luciana Parisi, Hito Steyerl and Jussi Parikka.

Special: The Neural Archive

Reports on: xcoax 23 / Renaissance 3.0 ZKM


Rwm Mk1, manipulating physical radio space.
Interface, augmenting senses.
Biological_Data_Transmission, sniffing and recording particulates.
Prompt Portraits, testing the bias on your face.
ReCollection, recreating memories.
Recharge, energy needs closed eyes.
Terra Xenobiotica, forever chemicals airport soil.
Deep Hysteria, AI is an old sexist.
Etching Sound, cutting TikTok sounds.
This is Not a Good Sign, AR poetic signs for change.
Antenna, receiving and playing electromagnetic waves.
Take and response. Tres improvisaciones para Rayuela, playing dynamic signs.
BONES, connecting underground and overground through our bones.
How deep Is the Dark Water?, Unanswered problematic questions.
Offset, reverse engineering the carbon offset ceertificates



Reviews of books:

Edited by Martin Howse / Becoming Geological / V2_
G. Douglas Barrett / Experimenting the Human, Art, Music, and the Contemporary Posthuman / The University of Chicago Press
Paul Cournet, Negar Sanaan Bensi / Datapolis / nai010, TU Delft
Omar Kholeif / Internet_Art / Phaidon Press
Laila Shereen Sakr / Arabic Glitch / Stanford University Press
Jussi Parikka / Operational Images, From the Visual to the Invisual / University of Minnesota Press
Andrés Burbano / Different Engines, Media Technologies From Latin America / Routledge
Tiziana Terranova / After the Internet, Digital Networks between Capital and the Common / Semiotext(e)
Alexander Refsum Jensenius / Sound Actions, Conceptualizing Musical Instruments / The MIT Press
Chris Salter / Sensing Machines, How Sensors Shape Our Everyday Life / The MIT Press
Danielle Shlomit Sofer / Sex Sounds, Vectors of Difference in Electronic Music / The MIT Press

music reviews:

releases by Maurizio Bianchi, David Lee Myers, Jana Winderen, Schneider TM, Natasha Barrett, Ruth Anderson & Annea Lockwood, and many more.

Publisher: Neural / neural 74
Author: Neural
Medium: Magazine


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