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Harald Kubiczak (Editor) - Kästrich

Published in 2009. A retrospective on 10 years of activities by this independent art forum based in Mainz. It was founded in 1990 and hosted a great number of exhibitions, installations and performances. In the book is also a report on „Independent Art Circuits“, with contributions by Phill Niblock & Arthur Stidfole (Experimental Intermedia Foundation, New York), Rolf Langebartels (Giannozzo, Berlin), Paul Panhuysen (Het Apollohuis, Eindhoven) plus a conversation between Roland Siegrist and Harald Kubiczak on the venue.

Paperback, 208 pages, format 20,0 x 12,0 cm

Publisher: Circuit-Art / ISBN: 9783000276156
Medium: Book


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