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Anette Knol and Amelia Bande - Into Onto: The Book

Playwright and performer, Amelia Bande, and visual artist, Annette Knol, have been exchanging long distance words since they met in 2007.
Talks, letters, readings, images, dreams and thoughts become an alternative for the lover’s immediate presence while away.

“Into Onto” presents a work in progress that takes the correspondence between two people as a starting point to talk about how we relate through text, symbols, structure, narrative and writing.

The universe Bande and Knol create initially exists purely for their pleasure. By selecting and presenting fragments of their exchange they uncover an archaeology of desire and discontent whilst simultaneously writing new fiction. The editing, transforming, isolating and remaking of these fragments opens a door that goes beyond the mere naming of anecdotes and feelings.

The exchange forms the backbone of the underlying theme: why. Why should we live like this? Can we do it differently? What are the possibilities of change?
“Into Onto” engages with these questions through a mixture of mediums: drawing, installation, photography and a book.

Publisher: Kotti-Shop
Medium: Book