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Jeannette Dekeukeleire - Hidden delights: Lingerie in the arts

ArtKitchen Gallery and Gallery A, both located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands ascertained that there is a lot more to art and lingerie than first meets the eye. Upon investigating, they realized that for both artists and spectators sexuality in all its guises often plays a major role in art. Aren’t many driven by sexual fantasies and desires, even downright lust when making or contemplating a work of art?
They found many examples throughout the ages where eroticism is the predominant factor and decided to give it a contemporary twist.
Therefore, their original concept, lingerie designed by artists, was widened to erotize the project even more. The result is a special edition that contains the highly imaginative designs and interpretations of twenty five artists working in a variety of disciplines. ‘Hidden Delights’ also includes a historical essay with documentary images and additional information about the participating artists and their contributions.

Hardcover, 112 pages, 21 x 16 cm.

Publisher: ArtKitchen Gallery / ISBN: 9789081245821
Medium: Book


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