Donatello & Fosco Dubini / Barbara Obermaier - Hedy Lamarr – Secrets Of A Hollywood Star
MGM-tycoon Louis B. Mayer called Hedy Lamarr “the most beautiful girl of the century.” A psychological portrait of glamour star Hedy Lamarr who became scandalously famous in 1933 as the first nude on the screen with her appearance in the Austrian/Czech film Ecstasy. She then had an extraordinary career in more than 25 Hollywood films. But.. she also invented a torpedo guided system which was patented in 1942 and serves today as the basis for mobile phones.
The documentary (2006, 85 mins) contains interviews with Mickey Rooney, Lupita Kohner, Kenneth Anger and many other personal friends of Hedy. Also featured is the trailer “Jean Seberg – American Actress (5 mins), the trailer “Thomas Pynchon – A Journey Into The Mind (3 mins) – several documents and photos in ROM-format. Finally, the 2-disc DVD offers Hedy Lamarr’s legendary scandal film Ekstase (1933, 79 mins) in an uncut version.
Languages English and German, subtitles English and German.

Nora M. Alter and Timothy Corrigan (Eds.) - Essays On The Essay Film
The essay, with its emphasis on the provisional and explorative rather than on definitive statements, has evolved from its literary beginnings and is now found ..(read more)
Publisher: Columbia University Press / ISBN: 9780231172677
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Documentary, Essay, Film Theory.

Gloria Sutton - The Experience Machine – Stan VanDerBeek’s Movie-Drome and Expanded Cinem
In 1965, the experimental filmmaker Stan VanDerBeek (1927–1984) unveiled his Movie-Drome, made from the repurposed top of a grain silo. VanDerBeek envisioned ..(read more)
Publisher: MIT Press / ISBN: 9780262028493
Author: Gloria Sutton
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '60s, '70s, Cinema, Expanded Cinema, Pioneers, USA.

The Baffler - # 36 (Fall 2017)
“The journal that blunts the cutting edge”… the Baffler is America’s leading voice of interesting and unexpected left-wing political critici..(read more)
Publisher: The Baffler / 36
Author: The Baffler
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Magazines, Politics, USA.