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Grapefruits - #01: Imaginary Sound

Coming in juicy cover colours, Grapefruits is a fanzine about female* composers and sound artists, made by Elisa Metz and Nathalie Brum from Cologne. The name was inspired by Yoko Ono’s book “Grapefruit” from 1964. Each issue has articles or interviews featuring individual artists. Straightforward, friendly design, well edited, nicely illustrated and complete with credits of sources, photographers and tips for further reading.
This issue features Maryanne Amacher, Alessandra Leone, Zoe McPherson, Pauline Oliveros, Daphne Oram and Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith.

Format: A5.

Publisher: Grapefruits / 01- imaginary sound
Author: Grapefruits
Medium: Magazine


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