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Glissando - #43: Diversity. Curating

Very good magazine made in Poland but with a global scope, on contemporary music and sound studies. The editors say: “The newest issue of Glissando magazine gives voice to people from all around the globe to share their experience on curating and diversity. Bringing a diverse array of perspectives, they show how curatorial practices can contribute towards more equal and fairer redistributions of resources, knowledge(s), and experiences, as well as expanding our sense of empathy and justice towards marginal, unusual, or unorthodox practices and bring unexpected collaborations to the fore.

In Glissando #43, guest editor Monika Żyła has created a space for reflection concerning some of the recent curatorial practices in music and sound. It is also a platform for sharing, negotiating, and promoting new curatorial voices, perspectives, ideas, and solutions.”

Table of Contents

Monika Żyła – Editorial
Anne Appathurai – Sounds Now
Juliet Fraser, Fay Jennet – 10 postcards

Elias Brown – Beyond the Museum Analogy
Antoni Michnik – Chessboard-Tenement House? 64 Fragments about curating sound art
Michał Libera – Two texts on curating
Kobe van Cauwenberghe – Anthony Braxton’s Creative Orchestra
Sasha Elina – Frames, windows and other elements for curating listening experiences
Evi Nakou
Who is in the room? Unpredictable intersubjective bodies in sound curating
Andreas Sommer – Gatekeeping technologies: mechanisms of male privilege

Ihlara McIndoe – Stories and sounds: exploring the Aisteach fictional archive
Masha Kashyna – Artistic resistance in times of war
Sonia Milewsk, Marijn Bril, Laura Palma – A yellow phone rings, Are you there?
Elham Puriya Mehr – Curatorial as an interface
Julia Eckhardt – A precious idiosyncrasy – musical quality and its assessment
Adilia Yip – Re-sounding the museum instrument collections through artistic experimentation

Paul N. Roth, Teresa Diaz de Cossio – Adaptive curatorial practices: exploring the experimental scene in Tijuana and Ensenada
Edane Ng – The beauty of not knowing
Diane Barbé – Perspectivism and collective emotional labor in activist art projects: Reflections on a haunted residency
Ellan A. Lincoln-Hyde, Jenny Guilford – The Blue Plaques Project
Philipp Rhensius – Infected by multiples: ideas for curating otherwise

Katarzyna Słoboda – Staing with the trouble. Choreographies of interdependent curating
Hanna Grzeskiewicz – Curation as care, care as listening

Published in collaboration with Sounds Now.

Publisher: Glissando / 23 / 2023
Author: Glissando
Medium: Magazine


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