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Errant Journal - Issue #3, 2022

This is a periodical by Framer Framed, an art institution in Amsterdam. Editor in chief is Irene de Craen,

‘Errant #3’ takes the ambiguous feeling of discomfort as a productive space to think from. What if instead of avoiding discomfort, we lean into it, dwell on it, stay with it so as to be able to learn from it? Central to the issue is the presence of discomfort as it accompanies the work of decoloniality, both in positions of marginalisation and of those who perhaps feel their comfort shaken for the first time. The contributions explore discomfort through personal histories, as well as curatorial, architectural & psychoanalytic perspectives.

Contributions by: Dalle Abraham, Amal Alhaag, Irene de Craen, Rebecca Glyn-Blanco, maaike Hommes, m7red, Marwan Moujaes, Tomás Maldonado, Rita Ouédraogo, Ada M. Patterson, Aaron Schuster, Mmabatho Thobejane and M.C. Julie Yu.


Publisher: Errant Journal / ISBN: 9772667015000
Medium: Magazine


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