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Diana Deutsch - Musical Illusions and Phantom Words

How Music and Speech Unlock Mysteries of the Brain

“This book is about the auditory system — its remarkable capabilities, its quirkishness, and its surprising failures, particularly as revealed in our perception of music and speech. Over the last few years, scientists have made dramatic advances in understanding the nature of this system. These have involved research in many disciplines, including psychology, psychoacoustics, neuroscience, music theory, physics, engineering, computer science, and linguistics. I hope to convey to you some of the discoveries and conclusions that have resulted from these findings, from the involvement of different brain regions in analyzing the various characteristics of sound, to the principles by which we organize the patterns of sound we hear and represent them in memory. I will be focusing on my own research, and hope to communicate to you the excitement of carrying out explorations in this field, much of which is still uncharted territory, and where there are so many discoveries still to be made.” (Diana Deutsch)

Table of Contents

1   Music, Speech, and Handedness: How Being Left-Handed or Right-Handed Can Make a Difference
2   Some Musical Illusions Are Discovered
3   The Perceptual Organization of Streams of Sound
4   Strange Loops and Circular Tones
5   The Tritone Paradox: An Influence of Speech on How Music is Perceived
6   The Mystery of Absolute Pitch: A Rare Ability That Involves Both Nature and Nurture
7   Phantom Words: How Our Knowledge, Beliefs and Expectations Create Illusions of Speech
8   Catchy Music and Earworms
9   Hallucinations of Music and Speech
10 The Speech-to-Song Illusion: Crossing the Borderline Between Speech and Song
11 Speech and Music Intertwined: Clues to Their Origins

About the Author

Diana Deutsch is a British-American psychologist, born in London, England. She is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, San Diego, and is one of the world’s leading researchers on the psychology of music. Deutsch is widely known for the illusions of music and speech that she has discovered; these include the octave illusion, the scale illusion, the chromatic illusion, the glissando illusion, the cambiata illusion, the tritone paradox, the phantom words illusion, the mysterious melody illusion, and the speech-to-song illusion, among others. She is also widely known for her work on absolute pitch, or perfect pitch, which she has shown to be far more prevalent among speakers of tone language. In addition, she studies the cognitive foundation of musical grammars, the ways in which people hold musical pitches in memory, and the ways in which people relate the sounds of music and speech to each other.

Paperback, 243 pages, published in 2019.

Publisher: Oxford University Press / ISBN: 9780190206833
Medium: Book


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