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Asemic - 15

Tim Gaze, based in South Australia, is the man behind this very special periodical. A paperback with full colour cover (front by Satu Kaikkonen, back by Marilyn R. Rosenberg) and 126 pages in black & white.

Asemic writing, according to Wikipedia, is a wordless open semantic form of writing. The word asemic means “having no specific semantic content”. With the nonspecificity of asemic writing there comes a vacuum of meaning which is left for the reader to fill in and interpret. All of this is similar to the way one would deduce meaning from an abstract work of art.

The name, therefore, of this magazine aptly covers its content. No stories or introductions, just brief mentions of the maker of each graphic work.

Contributors: Elynn Alexander, Roberto Altmann, anonymous, Rosaire Appel, Roy Arenella, Roland Barthes, Billy Bob Beamer, Tori Bedford, Volodymyr Bilyk (Володимир Білик), Jeff Crouch, Marc van Elburg, karen eliot, Jesse Ferguson, Tim Gaze, Marco Giovenale, Rob Grant, Janet Hawtin, Christine Huber, Ronald D. Isom, Satu Kaikkonen, Evgenij V. Kharitonov (Евгений В. Харитоновъ), Eduard Kulemin (Эдуард Кулёмин), Sveta Litvak (Света Литвак), Constança Lucas, Serse Luigetti, Billy Mavreas, Willi Melnikov (Вилли Мельников), Andrei Molotiu, Sheila E. Murphy, Moulid Nidouissadan, Fernando Ocampo, Marilyn R. Rosenberg, Ruan, Shmuel, Christopher Skinner, Tommasina Bianca Squadrito, Carol Stetser, Morgan Taubert, Miron Tee, Mike Di Tommaso, Troylloyd & Emma Viguier.

Publisher: Asemic / 15
Author: Asemic
Medium: Magazine


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