Robert Ashley - Music with Roots in the Aether
“Music with Roots in the Aether” is a series of interviews with seven composers who seemed to me when I conceived the piece-and who still seem to me..(read more)
Publisher: MusikTexte / ISBN: 3-9803151-6-9
Author: Robert Ashley
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary.
Price: €25.00

Robert Ashley - Automatic Writing
Three of Ashley’s landmark recordings, Automatic Writing (1979),
Purposeful Lady Slow Afternoon (1971) and She Was A Visitor (1967).
Composed in recorded ..(read more)
Label: Lovely Music / LCD 1002
Artist: Robert Ashley
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Electro-Acoustic, Minimal, Music for Theatre, Spoken Word.
Price: €14.00