Various Authors - Derek Jarman
New essays by international art critics devoted to the artist’s life and work offer accessible overview of legendary artist and filmmaker Derek Jarman.
Publisher: JRP Ringier / ISBN: 9783037645888
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Artist Film, Experimental Films, monograph, Portrait, UK.

Various Authors - Film Undone: Elements of a Latent Cinema
Introducing unmade and unfinished film projects and films that remained unseen, like projects by Dulce Aranea, Kianoush Ayari, Farouk Beloufa, Hartmut Bitomsky ..(read more)
Publisher: Archive Books / ISBN: 9783949973321
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Artist Film, Experimental Films, Film History, Film Theory.

Various Authors - Baroeg: Dik 40 Jaar
In Dutch! The extreme history of an iconic rock club in the South of Rotterdam. De rijke geschiedenis van 40 jaar Baroeg..
Publisher: Own / 9789090360577
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '80s, '90s, History, Punk, Rock, Rotterdam, Underground.

Various Autors - Zvuky Kódy Obrazy / Sounds Codes Images
Beautiful publication and welcome addition to what is known about the avant-garde in Czech Republic, Slovakia, focus on interaction of visual art and sound art...(read more)
Publisher: Artmap / ISBN: 9788090787346
Author: Various Autors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, Slovakia, Sound Art.

Various Authors - Listening: A Research Method in Art and Design
Research project at KABK in The Hague. Topics: different ways of listening, embodiment of sound, how to teach listening and the appreciation of the sonic as a d..(read more)
Publisher: KABK / kabk2024
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Media Theory, Sonology, Sound Studies.

Various Authors - Spectres IV: Mille Voix / A Thousand Voices
Fourth issue of the annual publication dedicated to sound and music experimentation, co-published by Shelter Press and Ina GRM – Groupe de Recherches Musicale..(read more)
Publisher: Shelter Press / ISBN: 9782365820462
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Music Theory, Sound Studies, Vocal Art.

Maschin Kaput - TAPE 2 | Tēpu II | テープ II
Noisy and free-raging rock band from Hamburg. Intense and gritty improvisations on bass, synths and various self-built instruments.
Label: Own / october 2023
Artist: Maschin Kaput
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Experimental Rock, Improvisation, Noise-Rock, Tapes.

Daan den Houter and Edo Dijksterhuis - De Aanschouw
In Dutch. A monument for Rotterdam’s smallest art gallery. And quite a volume! 22 jaar en ruim 1100 tentoonstellingen De Schouw in Rotterdam. Rotterdams b..(read more)
Publisher: Uitgeverij Waanders / ISBN: 9789462625341
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Curatorship, History, Rotterdam.

Thermal (John Butcher, Andy Moor, Thomas Lehn) - Ice in a Hot World
Twenty years of working together turned Thermal into a powerful and intrepid unit, always searching for uncompromising, mysterious and unchartered sonic frontie..(read more)
Label: Unsounds / 78U
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Analog Synth, Guitar, Improvisation, Saxophone.