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Rafael Horzon - Het Witte Boek

The White Book, a narrative of the life and times ueber entrepreneur Rafael Horzon. He has tried his hand at many a creative profession, besides being a brainy chap. Rafi, as his friends call him, was born in 1970, studied philosophy, Latin, physics, all without ever becoming infected with the academic virus. In Berlin he found his destiny ! For the record: not as an artist. He became known as the tycoon from the Torstrassen, where he set up a bookstore exclusively for this publication. But it all began with the Galerie-Berlintokyo, a project space where non-existent artists exhibited, an underground enterprise terminated when the gallery was invited to participate in Documenta X. From then on his business ventures went from strength to strength, to name but a few: Club Pelham, Moebel Horzon, Belfas (adapted from Belle Fassade, active in exterior design), Gelée Royal (a fashion label), all (but one) succesful outlets of the Modocom empire. By no means a monoculturalist, Horzon has set up a Fachgeschäft für Apfelkuchenhandel as well as Separitas, an office specializing in the (bringing about of the) separation of couples. His business is not limited to products or services, he also trades in ideas and information. There’s Redesign Deutschland (RDD) and, not to be neglected, the inpirational Wissenschaftsakademie Berlin where alternative higher education is on the curriculum. This book offers pearls of wisdom and a fine selection of photographs documenting the myriad ideas of promoter of the theory of the New Reality, that master of reinventing himself, Rafael Horzon.

Publisher: Leesmagazijn / ISBN: 978-94-91717-02-4
Medium: Book


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