Salvo - # 4 Black is a Matter of Taste
Works and Opinions of Theo van Dusseldorp. Yeah, that’s right: Van Dusseldorp. For the past 35 years Theo van Dusseldorp has been both a product
photograp..(read more)
Publisher: Salvo / ISBN: 978-90-820291-2-3
Author: Salvo
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Photography, The Hague.
Price: €15.00

Salvo - # 2 The Sneezing Man
An Investigation of Motion Photography. February 2014. The second publication by Salvo with articles by V.H.T van Baar, A.J.P. Geene, D. de Jong, A.E.J. de Nooy..(read more)
Publisher: Salvo / ISBN: 978-90-820291-1-6
Author: Salvo
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Photography.
Price: €15.00

Salvo - # 1 Van deze Foto ga je Dood
February 2013. The very first issue of a custom-made (printed in 400 copies) periodical for photography, with colour illustrations and written contributions (bo..(read more)
Publisher: Salvo / ISBN 978-90-820291-0-9
Author: Salvo
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Photography.
Price: €15.00