Revista-ARTA - #36-37: French Art
Prepare for a TRI-lingual edition this time, 2019, celebrating the long, historical relationship between Romania and France. Even if you don’t read French..(read more)
Publisher: Revista-ARTA / 36/37
Author: Revista-ARTA
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Art Magazine, Art Theory, Magazines, Romania.
Price: €15.00

Revista-ARTA - #34-35: Dosar Arta Media | Dossier Media Art
Revista ARTA maps the Romanian contemporary art scene, to document it and offer a critical evaluation of its manifestations, via essays, reviews, interviews and..(read more)
Publisher: Revista-ARTA / 34/35
Author: Revista-ARTA
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Art Theory, Magazines, Romania.
Price: €15.00

Revista-ARTA - #24-25: Hibrizi / Hybrids
Revista ARTA maps the Romanian contemporary art scene, documents it and offers a critical evaluation of its manifestations, via essays, reviews, interviews and ..(read more)
Publisher: Revista-ARTA / 24/25
Author: Revista-ARTA
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Art Theory, Magazines, Romania.
Price: €15.00