Positionen - Texte zur aktuellen Musik - Nr. 139
In German. Great periodical for those interested in contemporary composed music and sound art. Important feature: inclusive composing.
Publisher: Positionen / 139 (May 2024)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Germany, Magazines, Music Magazine, Sound Art.

Sound American - Issue 30 – The Final Issue
Final issue in a ten-year run of the American publication on music and musicians edited by trumpet player and composer Nate Wooley.
Publisher: Sound American / 30: Final Issue
Author: Sound American
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Magazine, USA.

Positionen - Texte zur Aktuellen Musik - Nr. 138
Best magazine I know on contemporary music! In German so I hope you can read it, too! Glitter on the cover adds to the charm this time.
Label: Positionen / Nr. 138 Charmeoffensive
Medium: Magazine
Category: Uncategorized.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Magazines, Music Magazine, Music Theory.

Gonzo (Circus) - # 180 (mrt/apr 2024)
In Dutch. With a Rewire Festival special, and items on Youmna Sabe, Liliane Chela, Zea, Moritz von Oswald, Billy Bultheel, Ka Baird, and much much more than tha..(read more)
Publisher: Gonzo (Circus) / 180 (mrt/apr 2024)
Author: Gonzo (Circus)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Magazine.

Matti Nives & Ami Vuorinen (Editors) - Oni Puladi
Magazine based in Helsinki by We Jazz Records. This time, as a tribute to Carla Bley, the title is Oni Puladi, after one of her compositions.
Publisher: We Jazz / #11 spring 2024
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Contemporary Jazz, Jazz, Magazines, Music Magazine.

Gonzo (Circus) - # 179 (Jan / Feb 2024)
In Dutch. With a Sonic Acts Festival Special, 2023’s end of the year lists, Cyanne van den Houten, Marina Herlop, and for the metalheads: an article about..(read more)
Publisher: Gonzo (Circus) / 179 jan/feb 2024
Author: Gonzo (Circus)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Magazine.

Frans de Waard and Alfred Boland - The Annual – Everything you never knew you were interested in
Brand new music magazine, conceived and fabricated by Korm Plastics man Frans de Waard and designer Alfred Boland. Great in its eccentricity and its eclecticity..(read more)
Publisher: Korm Plastics / Annual 2023
Author: Frans de Waard and Alfred Boland
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '70s, '80s, Magazines, Music Magazine, New Wave and Post-Punk, Punk.

Positionen - Texte zur Aktuellen Musik - Nr. 137
In German. Ben Lunn: Musik von Allen für Alle / Sandris Murins: Interviews mit Komponist*innen mit Behinderung; Hanna Grześkiewicz & Julian Rieken
Publisher: Positionen / Nr. 137 was kann Musik (sein)?
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Contemporary, Disability, Magazines, Music Magazine, Music Theory.

Gonzo (Circus) - # 178 (November / December 2023)
Publisher: Gonzo (Circus) / 178 (nov dec 2023)
Author: Gonzo (Circus)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Magazine.