Tim Donker & Antonio Termeer - Kraakpen #2
Wonderful magazine that appeared irregulary in the early 2000s. Every issue was an experiment, in form, in content, in tone. This issue from 2001 (A4 format, 70..(read more)
Publisher: Own
Author: Tim Donker & Antonio Termeer
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Fanzines, Literature, Magazines, Poetry, Zines.

Tim Donker - Leve Kraakpen ! #6
De Oversteek. A zine, just a regular publication in paper, stapled together with a nondescript cover. And yet ! Tim Donker and the many gifted contributors shou..(read more)
Publisher: Own / 6
Author: Tim Donker
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Fanzines, Literature, Magazines, Zines.

Tim Donker & Antonio Termeer - Kraakpen #3
A bit of a ready-made, this zine. It comes with a CD and is contained in a modest cardboard box. Kraakpen is made by Videozap and De Gaskamerman, both of whom a..(read more)
Publisher: Own / 3
Author: Tim Donker & Antonio Termeer
Medium: Magazine + CD
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Fanzines, Illustration, Magazines.

Personal Best - # 3
April 2013. Fanzine (in colour) for noise, music and random chaos. With a distict Norwegian flavour, Lasse Marhaug brings you his personal favourites:Norway..(read more)
Publisher: Marhaug Forlag / 3
Author: Personal Best
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Fanzines, Magazines, Noise.

Kaki Collective - WHAT ?! Poltergeist
July 2013. The second edition of the zine in which the work of (Rotterdam based) illustrators Karida van Bochove and Kim Hoorweg appear alongside each other, su..(read more)
Publisher: Own / # 2
Author: Kaki Collective
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Comics, Fanzines, Zines.