Freek Lomme - Care where no-one does*
Urging a grassroots style based on activist engagement CARE offers opposing perspectives on independent, progressive cultural production out of small initiative..(read more)
Publisher: Set Margins / ISBN: 9789083404158
Author: Freek Lomme
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Culture Theory, Trust.

Pascal Gielen - Trust
Reflects on the increasing distrust in fellow human beings, governments and corporations. Highlights the importance of culture and the cultural commons for buil..(read more)
Publisher: Valiz / ISBN: 9789493246409
Author: Pascal Gielen
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Politics, Sociology, Trust.

Valentina Tanni - Memesthetics
First book to consider the history of the internet meme. Tanni reveals how it did not arise out of nowhere but is connected to both modernism and postmodernism...(read more)
Publisher: Nero / ISBN: 9788880562467
Author: Valentina Tanni
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Internet, Media Archaeology, Memes.

Silvio Lorusso - What Design Can’t Do
Probes the disillusionment that permeates design. Digital semi-automation, pressure from the museum-educational complex, the nebulous promises of design schools..(read more)
Publisher: Set Margins / ISBN: 9789083350134
Author: Silvio Lorusso
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Design, Graphic Design, Memes.

Monia Acciari & Philipp Rhensius - Politics of Curatorship – Collective and Affective Interventions
What happens to curatorial practices when treated as multi-voiced, pluralistic, process-based? What curatorship could be when freed from elitist notions.
Publisher: Norient / NB007 / ISBN: 9783952544440
Author: Monia Acciari & Philipp Rhensius
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Curatorship, Essay, Politics.

Kyle Devine, Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier (Editors) - Audible Infrastructures
Takes us to the sawmills, mineshafts, power grids, junk piles peripheral to musical culture showing they are pivotal to what music is, how it works, and why it ..(read more)
Publisher: Oxford University Press / ISBN: 9780190932640
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Media Archaeology, Sound Studies.

Positionen - Texte zur Aktuellen Musik - Nr. 136 (August 2023)
In German. “Unbelievably Independent”. Concerning the precarity of music journalism and culture journalism in general in present times.
Publisher: Positionen / Nr. 136 (August 2023)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Criticism, Culture Theory, Magazines, Music Magazine.

Ernst van Alphen (Editor) - Productive Archiving – Artistic Strategies, Future Memories and Fluid Identities
Discusses a variety of problems of archival organizations: the question of inclusion/ exclusion, loss of individuality, and pigeonholing
Publisher: Valiz / ISBN 9789493246164
Author: Ernst van Alphen (Editor)
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Archives, Art Theory, Culture Theory.