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Soundings - Issue 73 (Winter 2019-2020): Power to the People?

Lawrence and Wishart is one of the few remaining independent publishing houses in Britain. It is heir to a long intellectual and political tradition, and has always been committed to in-depth analysis and serious political engagement.


Editorial: Everything to fight for

Boris Johnson’s Conservatism: an insurrection against political reason? – Bill Schwarz

Queer comrades: towards a postsocialist queer politics – by Hongwei Bao

This is not an essay about Trump – by Lawrence Grossberg

Religion, the secular and the left – by Deborah Grayson and Tamanda Walker

‘We do not have to be vicious, competitive, or managerial’ – Akwugo Emejulu interviewed by Jo Littler

Radical left parties, counter-hegemony and the EU- by Giorgos Charalambous

Mind the gap: the role of intercultural dialogues in building other Europes – Rasha Shaaban talks to Antje Scharenberg

Babies and bathwaters: attachment, neuroscience, evolution and the left – Graham Music

‘We got the power!’: the political potential of street choirs
Campaign Choirs Writing Collective

The commonwealth of winds – by James Marriott

Reviews: Karen Celis & Sarah Childs, Marc Reyes

Publisher: Laurence & Wishart / ISBN: 9781912064120
Author: Soundings
Medium: Magazine


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