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NuKomix - Lowlands Comic 2003

In Dutch only. The artists of NuKomix (2001) are a collective dedicated to the reinvention of the Dutch comic. This collaboration revolves around the yearly music festival of Lowlands. The first part was created prior to the festival and the second part was created live, in the KomixLab, during Lowlands 2003. Contributions by Albo Helm, Alex Turk, Bart Schoofs, Floor de Goede, Jean-Marc van Tol, Jeroen Steehouwer, Kim Duchateau, Lamelos (consisting of Sam Peeters, Aleks Deurloo, Boris Peters en Jeroen Funke), Lectrr, Maaike Hartjes, Marc Hendriks, Marc van der Holst, Margreet de Heer, Michiel van de Pol, Peter Pontiac, Rolf Thijssen, Sandra de Haan, Tommy A, Typex and Wasco.

Publisher: Parterre / ISBN 90-806049-3-3
Author: NuKomix
Medium: Magazine


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