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freq_out - freq_out 2

freq_out is a sound installation comprised of 12 individual sound works each utilizing a specific frequency range, made on site, and amplified to act as a single, generative sound-space. Artists worked within specified frequencies.
The 2nd freq_out cd after Ash 5.8 [2004] features the usual suspects; curated and conducted by Carl Michael von Hausswolff, freq_out 2 was recorded and performed for Ultima the Oslo Music Festival 2004, at the Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Norway, by: BJNilsen, J. G. Thirlwell, Jacob Kirkegaard, Jana Winderen, Maia Urstad, Kent Tankred, Finnbogi Pétursson, PerMagnus Lindborg, Brandon LaBelle, Franz Pomassl, Mike Harding and Tommi Grönlund & Petteri Nisunen.

Label: Ash International / ASH # 6.8
Artist: freq_out
Medium: CD
Category: .


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