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How To Get Rich In Rotterdam / Geluidshouwerij - D.A.P.A. / Oefening Kunstbaardt in Rotterdam

Apologies for the price, this is the last copy I could get my hands on, considering it is quite a special and historical release…

How To Get Rich In Rotterdam, Oefening Kunstbaardt and D.A.P.A. were projects of Chris Lindquist and Paul Stoute with the collaboration of Linda Lindquist, all of whom were based in Rotterdam in the early ‘80s. What a great idea to reissue these forgotten recordings on one record!

How To Get Rich In Rotterdam released only one self-titled seven inch. This single was a very limited edition with two different covers. Johan Kugelberg selected it for his Top 100 DIY Singles, describing it as “brilliant, plodding art-slop that reeks of inside jokedom. This record is a reason unto itself to pay eBay prices for vintage drum machines.” Oefening Kunstbaardt and D.A.P.A. were the names of two tape albums that Chris created in his studio named Geluidshouwerij. The first one included the participation of Paul and the second one was done by Chris alone.

Discos Transgénero restored the sound from the original master tapes, and here it is for the first time on vinyl in high quality audio. The cover design and illustrations are by René & Paul Stoute. This edition comes with a postcard souvenir from Rotterdam printed at Chris’ Letterpress Studio.

Label: Discos Transgénero / (TRANS-4)
Medium: LP
Category: .


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