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Nacho Carbonell - Comfortzone and Disillusion #3 – What is (still) Natural in an Experience Economy ?

Is it design or art ? The works of Nacho Carbonell, subject of this publication, are deliberately ambiguous. His furniture is so large scale that one is invited to crawl inside, thereby changing design into a session of intense physical exercise. His approach is material-based, while nature is a constant theme. Freek Lomme, the initiator of this series, underlines the possible opposition present in his work, framed in the question “What is (still) natural in an experience economy ?” He touches on the consumption culture of ‘tactility’, and its material-based artifacts of the luxury industry. In his words Nacho’s work is a fine balancing act: “processing this ‘material experiment’ into a very luring state in between life and scene”. What he makes is as slick as a commodity, and yet unique and constituent of an autonomous process. This publication brings together written explanations and many photographs of the designer’s installations and structures. In English.

The last copy at reduced price.

Publisher: Onomatopee / # 50.7 - Nest #8
Medium: Magazine


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