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REALmag. - # 2 – Manipulation

REALmag keeps reinventing itself. A different format, different paper, but with the same level of commitment and inspiration. This time it’s composed of eight segments that fold out like a poster, but can be read page by page. The whole is held together by a red elastic band. Theme of this issue is manipulation, a broad concept that allows a lot of different content. The list of participants is huge, so here are just a few names: Daan den Houter (artist), Peter Bosma (independent writer/publicist, investigator and film curator), Sara Rajaei (video-artist), Peggy de Bruin (designer), Caroline Peters (artist), Eva Spierenburg (artist, painter), Ben Vranken (illustrator, artist), Jonas Staal (artist), Dennis de Bel (artist), dr. Erwin Kompanje (philosopher), Seger van Wijk (illustrator), drs. Bram Snijder (singer, psychologist, columnist) and Michiel Daverschot (philosopher).
NOTE: this magazine is in Dutch, although a large part speaks for itself!

Publisher: REALmag. / ISSN 2214-0921
Author: REALmag.
Medium: Magazine


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