Brandon Labelle - Acoustic Justice
Tackling issues of recognition and resistance, place and displacement, this book moves across a range of pertinent references and topics, from social practices ..(read more)
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic / ISBN: 9781501368219
Author: Brandon Labelle
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Politics, Sound Art, Sound Studies.

Brandon Labelle - Acoustic Territories
Urbanism, popular culture, street life and sonic technologies. Challenges debates surrounding noise pollution and charts an “acoustic politics of space..(read more)
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic / ISBN: 9781501336195
Author: Brandon Labelle
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Music Theory, Sound Art, Sound Studies.

Brandon Labelle (Editor) - The Listening Biennial Reader: Vol. 1: Waves of Listening
Listening as a relational capacity, a philosophical and ecological proposition, creative practice, research method. Contributors: Lucia Farinati, Brandon LaBell..(read more)
Publisher: Errant Bodies Press / ISBN : 9783982316673
Author: Brandon Labelle (Editor)
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Music Theory, Sound Studies.

Brandon Labelle - The Other Citizen
Tracks the hopes and losses, struggles and utopian desires of “the floating subjects” of contemporary life. Drawing upon traditions of socially engaged poet..(read more)
Publisher: Errant Bodies Press / ISBN : 9780997874471
Author: Brandon Labelle
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Sociology, Utopia.

Brandon LaBelle - Overheard And Interrupted
LaBelle’s reference monograph guides us through a number of his works from 2003 to 2014, raising questions of space and community, and further, to the dir..(read more)
Publisher: les presses du réel / 978-2-84066-820-6
Author: Brandon LaBelle
Medium: Book + CD
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Architecture, Sonic Experiments, Sonology.