Freek Lomme - Care where no-one does*
Urging a grassroots style based on activist engagement CARE offers opposing perspectives on independent, progressive cultural production out of small initiative..(read more)
Publisher: Set Margins / ISBN: 9789083404158
Author: Freek Lomme
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Culture Theory, Trust.
Price: €20.00

Silvio Lorusso - What Design Can’t Do
Probes the disillusionment that permeates design. Digital semi-automation, pressure from the museum-educational complex, the nebulous promises of design schools..(read more)
Publisher: Set Margins / ISBN: 9789083350134
Author: Silvio Lorusso
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Design, Graphic Design, Memes.
Price: €22.00