Positionen - Texte zur aktuellen Musik - Nr. 141: Der Duft ist Da!
Der Duft ist da! Thema-ausgabe über Gerüchen (Smells). Bruno Mesz: osmosonische Kunst / Meo Fusciuni / Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg zu besuch bei iii, Den Haag
Publisher: Positionen / 141 (04-2024)
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Composers, Magazines, Music Magazines, Sensority, Sound Art.

The Ex - Great! / The Evidence
45 RPM to celebrate their 45th Anniversary. Urgent, willful, adventurous, open hearted and joyfully obstinate. The Ex in their prime is The Ex now, and it alway..(read more)
Label: Ex Records / EX 148
Artist: The Ex
Medium: 7"
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: 7", Avant-Garde, Avant-Rock, Punk, Vinyl.

Ken Vandermark & Terrie Ex - This is not a Holiday
I saw this duo play in a small venue, fall 2024 and they blew me away – which is something I rarely say! Recorded live at SARP Social Club, Poznan, Poland..(read more)
Label: Terp / IS-37LP
Artist: Ken Vandermark & Terrie Ex
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Clarinet, Free Improvisation, Guitar, Improvisation, Saxophone, Vinyl.

Nicole Brenez / Jonathan Larcher / Alo Paistik / Skaya Siku (Editors) - Film X: Autochthonous Struggles Today
Brings together filmmakers, activists, curators, and scholars involved in film practices emerging from situations of struggle that the Indigenous peoples are in..(read more)
Publisher: Sternberg Press / ISBN: 9783956796500
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Decolonisation, Film, Geo-Politics, Protest.

Various Authors - Film Undone: Elements of a Latent Cinema
Introducing unmade and unfinished film projects and films that remained unseen, like projects by Dulce Aranea, Kianoush Ayari, Farouk Beloufa, Hartmut Bitomsky ..(read more)
Publisher: Archive Books / ISBN: 9783949973321
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Artist Film, Experimental Films, Film History, Film Theory.

Irene Revell and Sarah Shin - Bodies of Sound: Becoming a Feminist Ear
Exploring sound and listening through the lens of the body. How sonic experience is intervening in realms such as gender, memory, disability justice, anti-colon..(read more)
Publisher: Silver Press / ISBN: 9781739371715
Author: Irene Revell and Sarah Shin
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Embodiment, Feminism, Sound Studies.

Pauline Oliveros - Quantum Listening
A manifesto for listening as activism. What is the difference between hearing and listening? Does sound have consciousness? Can you imagine listening beyond the..(read more)
Publisher: Silver Press / ISBN: 9781739371753
Author: Pauline Oliveros
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Sonology, Sound Studies.

Ursula K. Le Guin - Space Crone
New posthumous collection of writings by legendary science fiction writer. Sometimes polemical, often hilarious, discusses feminism and radical alternatives on ..(read more)
Publisher: Silver Press / ISBN: 9780995716278
Author: Ursula K. Le Guin
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Feminism, Gender Theory, Science Fiction.

Stepmother - Calvary Greetings (CD)
Anglo-American-Dutch post-punk prog-rock and funny soundscapes with a dash of Monty Python thrown in. Lukas Simonis, Dave Kerman, Jeroen Visser, Bill Gilonis
Label: Knock 'em Dead Records / kdr009CD
Artist: Stepmother
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Avant-Rock, Guitar, New Wave and Post-Punk.