Zonic - No. 14-17
In German. The Zonic people call it an 'Almanach für kulturelle
Randstandsblicke & Involvierungsmomente', which one might translate
as: 'Alm..(read more)
Publisher: Pommersche Literaturgesellschaft e.V. / ISBN 1611-3705
Author: Zonic
Medium: Book + CD
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Germany, New Wave and Post-Punk.
Price: €13.00

Inox Kapell - Gleichgesichtaschock
Inox specializes in lo-fi synth-pop in the vein of Harald ‘Sack’ Ziegler, also hearing Kraftwerk inspirations… Gleichgesichtaschock is 4’..(read more)
Label: Dhyana / 22
Artist: Inox Kapell
Medium: 7"
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: 7", Electro-Pop, Germany, Vinyl.
Price: €5.50

Hallo Werner Clan - We-rner
Eccentric hiphop duo from Hamburg, featuring Benni Bo and Miss Hawaii (the Tokyo-to-Hamburg expat). ‘Wie-auch-immer-Hip-Hop’, a breath of fresh air;..(read more)
Label: De La Roll
Artist: Hallo Werner Clan
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Eccentrics, Germany, Rap, Vinyl.
Price: €15.00