Various Artists - Northern & Central Malawi
Featuring amazing blind singer Beti Kamanga, strumming his bangwe zither as though he invented rock & roll (recorded 1950) near Lake Malawi. Other instrumen..(read more)
Label: SWP Records / 14
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: African, Field Recordings, Traditional.

Various Artists - Congo: Kanyok and Luba
From the amazing archives of recordings by Hugh Tracey, this issue features the lesser known Kanyok people & their Luba neighbours in the 50’s. Most o..(read more)
Label: SWP Records / 11
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: African, Field Recordings, Traditional.

Various Artists - Colonial Dance Bands 1950 and 1952 (Kenya, Tanganyika, Portugese East Africa, Northern Rhodesia, Belgian Congo)
This album presents a variety of African bands playing dance music during the colonial period. Recorded in the British colonies of Kenya, Tanganyika and Norther..(read more)
Label: SWP Records / 31
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tag: African.