Elena Biserna (Ed.) - Walking From Scores
THIS BOOK WILL BE BACK IN STOCK SOON. Text and graphic scores to be used while walking, from Fluxus to the critical works of current artists, through the tradit..(read more)
Publisher: Les Presses du Réel / ISBN : 978-2-37896-213-5
Author: Elena Biserna (Ed.)
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Fluxus, Scores, Sonic Experiments, Sound Art.
Price: €30.00

Elena Biserna - Going Out
Walking redefines notions of composer, performer, public, and music itself, while opening new modes of perception and action.
Publisher: Umland / ISBN : 9789082649567
Author: Elena Biserna
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Fluxus, Mapping, Sound Art, Sound Studies.
Price: €34.00