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Puke Eaters - Hello Valhalla

‘Does anyone remember a remarkable piece of psych-styled rubbish called ‘God is Free’, released on Chocolate Monk back in 2004? Of all the odd wonders and incestuous secrets to emerge from Finland in the last 20 years, the Puke Eaters could be thee greatest. ‘Hello Valhalla’ is the first long playing record by this anti-prolific group. The applied methods range from accidental to free and from psycho-motorik to ritual. For any points of reference think of the swamp into which Fille qui mousse, Cromagnon and ‘Jesus Christ’ era Smell & Quim were dumped. After years of tireless experimentation in the cynical utopian ruinscape of their collective butterfly mind, The Puke Eaters have loosened their belts and finally unleashed their deadliest recordings for thee future caveman.’ (label info)

Label: Lal Lal Lal / 43
Artist: Puke Eaters
Medium: LP
Category: .


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